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Ross reopens manufacturing

Ross Video reopened its manufacturing facilities in Iroquois, Ontario, in accordance with the government’s classification of Ross as an ‘essential service’. Ross recently took the decision to close its factory on a voluntary basis for two weeks in order to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. At the time, approximately one million people were returning to Ontario following spring break and the public health situation was extremely fluid, so the decision to close was taken as a precautionary measure.

Jeff Poapst, Senior VP of Manufacturing and Services, stresses that the company is taking every precaution to safeguard employee health. “Ross has a global footprint and we support customers all over the world that provide vital services to inform the population at this important time. Those who are coming back will be working new shift patterns to better support social distancing. We’ve also changed our handling practices around received materials and goods-in process to minimize the possibility of infection. In addition, we’ve increased the frequency and rigor of our cleaning regime and we will be monitoring our employees’ health every shift. We know there is still some way to go until this situation is behind us, so we need to balance everyone’s desire to get back to work with their safety and wellbeing”.

As production ramps up over the next week or two, customers and business partners can expect product availability to return to more normal levels. BCS Bureau

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