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Netflix, Prime, Disney take 85% of European VoD

U.S. subscription streaming video services have a stranglehold on European viewers. About 85% of viewing time is generated by Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+, with U.S. content systematically over-consumed and European works under-consumed, according to new data from two reports published by the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.

The reports, “SVOD Use in the European Union” and “Film and TV Content on TVOD, SVOD, AVOD Catalogs,” are based on SVOD viewing time data in nine countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden from September 2022 to September 2023.

The report found that European produced content accounted for 30% of all SVOD viewing time, including 21% for European Union content, 9% for U.K. content, and 1% for other European content.

European made movies and TV shows accounted for 31% of all content in VOD catalogs in 25 member states of the European Union, with EU content representing 21% and other European works 10% (32% in TVOD, 31% in SVOD and 26% in AVOD catalogs).

For all types of VOD catalogs, European non-national works represented the majority of EU27 works, with 64% of all EU27 works in TVOD catalogs being of EU non-national origin, 78% in SVOD and 67% in AVOD.

VOD movies and TV shows in France, Germany, Italy and Spain rely more on national works for their content offering, with 64% of all content in France being of national origin, while VOD content in lower volume production countries rely mostly on non-national content. For example, just 1% of VOD content offered in Bulgaria in locally made. Media Play News

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