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Virtual immersive use of AR video production to bring your videos to life

What is augmented reality?
In non-technical language, augmented reality is a technology allowing you to be present in your actual physical environment wherein what you see, smell, touch, smell, and perceive are enriched virtually. Going deeper, AR is a system having three key features; a mixture of the virtual and the real world, interaction with the environment in real-time, and accurate registration in 3D for both real and virtual objects.

How does virtual reality differ from augmented reality?
In virtual reality, you are in an imaginary world- think of video games. Opposed to this, a virtual reality production studio will work to incorporate your immediate surroundings in real-time and feed them into the algorithms that run the process. There is a world of difference between the two, almost magical.

Why would I use AR to make videos for my customers or social media followers?
There are many reasons why AR video production is the best bet for you. Here are 6 of them:

If you are keen on expanding your business, with which a media production company in Melbourne can help, AR will help you to step up your game. It allows your customers to be present in their room and place, for example, a piece of furniture in various places without going through the trouble of visiting a store or an online purchase.

If you are big on social networks, AR can enhance your interaction with your followers to an unforeseen degree. There is a very popular app doing the rounds these days. It lets you create AR videos and even send messages depending on your geographical location.

If your business caters to children, AR can dramatically enhance their experiences in instances like art. Apps are already out in the market that can intensify a child’s creativity by offering a plethora of colours and interesting shapes that will let their creative juices flow.

When catering to an industry like automobiles, AR applications like HUD displays, effect-enhancing software will allow your clients to make full use of a virtual reality production studio. Their customers will be able to interact with the vehicle in real-time and come to grips with the features and handling of the car. Again, this is an example, and many industries readily come to mind which benefits immensely from AR.

The military reaps the benefits of high-quality augmented reality production studios to the fullest extent possible. Simulated battlefields help the fighters become deadly machines, with night goggles that work just as well in the real world, AR weapons that look, weigh, and fire the same as real ones, fighter jet simulations, enhanced interaction with the sea, land, and air forces in tandem, and more. If you are in this sector, you would do well to consult a professional and accredited AR production studio.

Customer experience, be it in any sector, is visibly improved by the addition of AR to the ranks of marketing strategies. Most importantly, research on AR started in the 1960s. If it took so long to launch it commercially, it must have been very good indeed. FYI, for any significant technological breakthrough, the amount of time invested in research is directly proportional to the effectiveness, ease of use, deployment, and ultimately, the success of the adopted technology amongst the population.

Effects of immersive use of augmented reality videos on the customer

With AR videos, the customer interacts with the real as well as the virtual environment at the same time. This interaction is through the sensory system of the customer. If you were in the customer’s shoes, you would get haptic, olfactory, visual, somatosensory, as well as auditory impulses that will have an indelible effect on your experience as far as customer engagement is concerned. Let us see how an augmented reality studio can make a difference to customer experience:

If we talk about statistics, research has shown that using AR videos ups the interaction rate of the customer to as much as 20%. With click rates, there is an increase of 33%. Most importantly, the average engagement for a customer with AR videos is as long as 85 seconds. This is a phenomenal amount of time, given that people today are hard-pressed with tight schedules, with the attention span decreasing to 8 seconds as we speak.

If you were to engage an AR video production company for a commercial on television, you can be assured that the commercial will be highly interactive, engaging, and enriching for the common man. He will not mute his television anymore. That is a lot.

There is already a fair deal of buzz about AR, and those who have yet to experience it are thirsting for it. Over 60% of polled people in research preferred those businesses that had an AR treat in store for them. Though thoroughly researched, it has still yet to explode on the scene in a big way. When it does, it will inevitably change the metrics and equations of shopping and social media apps forever. This is not just a prediction because over 80% of those who are professionals and conversant with the technology believe that over the next 4-5 years it will become the norm and not the exception.

The probability of a customer going through an AR presentation video and consequently buying the product is extremely high. As a person who is serious about his business ventures, you cannot ignore this. If the client is willing to give AR videos and commercials a chance, his business will swell and that is a given. Give this a thought: over 70% of customers, in yet another research, not intended to buy a particular product, but they were lured into captivation with AR videos that held their attention, convinced them, and successfully converted them into the faithful.

If you are a big brand, known throughout Australia, you will be known to the world tomorrow when you engage a high-quality video production company to make catchy, quirky, and appealing AR videos that guarantee total virtual engrossment for the entire length of the video. Most customers do not have the experience of AR videos and with you offering this service; it will be a shot in the arm for your business.

AR video production is very effective when there are places to explore. You get to walk in a jungle, for example, with your senses attuned to the jungle. You will hear noises that creatures make, the rustling of trees, the feel of bark on your skin, the odours you inhale, with your nervous system reacting in the same manner as it would have done in the real world. Collectively this is too good a technology to ignore for long. Doing so would be at your own peril if you are ambitious and want to grow.

If you have untrained staff, you can use AR training videos to create the workplace environment and throughout the training, they will develop the requisite skills as successfully, if not more, than actual hands-on training.
Summing up

With over 60 years in research, successful deployment, and a very bright future, AR videos, promotions, and training are here to stay. Ignore this at your peril. If you want to flourish financially, an investment in augmented reality video production will reap a bountiful harvest. IT Wire

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