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Eutelsat explains non-removal of CGTN

Eutelsat has issued a statement regarding the broadcast of the Chinese channel CGTN.

In it, the company says that it emits over 6,000 channels worldwide via its satellite fleet.

Following an open letter issued by NGO Safeguard Defenders, Eutelsat “reiterates that it is not within its remit to judge the content and suspend the broadcast of a channel under contract without an injunction from a competent authority. In the case of non-European channels, the responsibility for controlling their content rests with the regulator of the country where the uplink is located or upon which the utilised satellite capacity depends. As regards the broadcasting of CGTN in Europe, this responsibility therefore falls to the CSA which also has the ability to take legal action”.

Eutelsat concludes by saying: “Complaints against CGTN are to be examined by the CSA; Eutelsat will immediately comply with any subsequent decision by the CSA or the French courts, as it does systematically”. Broadband TV News

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