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Android TV platform boosts Elisa figures

Elisa’s Estonian operation saw growth in its cable TV take-up following the launch of a new TV service based on the Android TV platform in the third quarter.

In its latest set of results the company says that the cable Tv segment grew by 1.3% in Q3, with Sami Seppänen, Elisa Estonia’s CEO and chairman of the management board, adding: “The new Elisa Experience gives a whole new breath to the TV service in today’s smart age, bringing the possibility of watching TV to any device. The Elisa set-top box, which now runs on the Android operating system and also adds many ways to entertain yourself, also made a big leap in development”.

Elisa Estonia had revenues of €48.7 million in Q3, or 8.27% more than a year earlier.

It also had a total of 684,000 mobile, 202,000 TV and 104,000 cable internet subscribers. Broadband TV News

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